Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So I havn't written for awhile on my new blog. It has been a crazy year so far.  I got accepted to BYU, that was pretty cool. I am still wondering if it was an accident.  I have been recieving hate letters from somebody in my high school and Mr. Nelson, my principal, has turned into a CSI agent to try to catch them. I, however, have forgiven the person and am truly more concerned about them than what they wrote in the letter.  I have been applying for countless scholarships which I think is pretty fun.  What can I say, I love to brag about myself.  Dallin Christensen is going to be my roomate this fall, no word on who for this summer.  I am taking five classes at the high school and 12 credits at EAC.  This is the main reason I have not been blogging.  Bryan and I are taking College Algebra from Mr. Orr and World of Music from Mr. Alvarez.  These classes are both a really good time.  I love my classes at EAC because I learn!  High school is simply a waste of electricity at this point.  I do not have Senioritis or anything...they just will not teach me.  Having Mrs. Woodward again has been the pits. (Mrs. Woodward if you read this I love you but your teaching style and my learning style just do not relate.)  This year is flying. I can't believe it is almost March!  By May I need to get straight A's, keep straightening my teeth, earn my eagle, earn my duty to God, Big 100, Hinckley Award (Now Seminary Letter), and apply for a bunch of scholarships!  Thank you to all of you people who support me and love me. Crazy days! Hopefully I blog again soon!


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