Sunday, July 20, 2008

I went on a date on Saturday. The BYU Housing association held a semi formal dance. They had food for us, a dance, and even limo rides...all for free! I asked Erin Platt. She is from Texas and in my FHE group. As you can tell from the was a blast!

They had supplies for us to make masks...mine is pretty wild.

(L-R) Hannah (from Montana), Kristian, Ashley, Layne, Erin, and I.

The same people above plus David, and Ryse Jo Nordstrom in front of the limo.


Anonymous said...
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Lyndee said...

WoW Vance! Looks like fun! You are a ladies Man! JK! I hope you are having fun at the Y!

Emily said...

HI Vance!!! It looks like you are having fun in Utah! I've always wanted to go to a masquerade ball.

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